There are times when we are unable to come to work due to illness. In some cases the absence is planned and may, perhaps, revolve around an operation. At other times, people are unexpectedly unwell and unable to attend work.
If you know you are going to be off sick, you should tell your line manager as soon as possible about your planned absence. In cases where absence is unexpected you should try to give as much notice as possible and speak to your line manager yourself, explaining the reason for absence and your plans e.g. to see a doctor or seek other help.
If you are absent for more that one calendar week, you need to obtain a Med 3 from your doctor. This should be sent to your line manager so that they can update your records and support you in returning to work.
While you are absent, you should stay in touch with your line manager and keep them updated on your recovery and likely return. You may be referred to occupational health if you absence becomes long-term or your case is complex.
We hope our staff are generally in good health, however, there may be times when repeated absence leads to disciplinary action and potentially termination of employment if staff continue to be absent from work.
Ebor takes a supportive approach to managing staff absence. Full details can be found in the attendance policy.