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Company documentation

Scheme of Delegation
Clarifying the responsibilities of trustees and local governing bodies

Board Committees Terms of Reference:

Audit Risk and Assurance Committee Terms of Reference

Finance and Resources Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference

People, Pay and Performance Committee Terms of Reference

Standards Committee Terms of Reference

Admissions Determination Committee Terms of Reference

Local Governing Body (LGB) Chairs’ Group Terms of Reference

Our Structure -organisational structure chart showing how strategic and operational matters work alongside governance, plus pen portraits of Ebor’s members and trustees.

Executive Pay
In line with the requirements of the Academy Trust Handbook the Trust must publish details of how many employees have a gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000 or more.  Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions and other taxable benefits.
For the financial year ending 31st August 2024, Ebor Academy Trust had six employees whose salary and benefits are greater than £100,000:
4 x £100,000 – £110,000
1x £120,000 – £130,000
1 x £180,000 – £190,000
Trade union facility time

Under the provisions of the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017, where an academy trust has more than 49 full time equivalent employees throughout any seven months within the reporting period, it must publish the following information:

Relevant union officials

Number of employees who were relevant union member officials during the relevant periodFull-time equivalent employee

Percentage of time spent on facility time

Percentage of timeNumber of employees
51% - 99%0

Paid trade union activities

Time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours = 0%