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Top maths teacher on her way to China

A teacher from Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy in York has been selected to take part in a prestigious teacher exchange, focusing on mathematics, with a partner school over 5,000 miles away in Shanghai, China.

Helen Davids is among 70 e

xpert mathematics teachers from schools across England taking part in an exchange as part of the Maths Hubs programme. Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy, part of Ebor Academy Trust, is working with the Yorkshir

e Ridings Maths Hub.

The purpose of the exchange is to further develop the understanding and implementation of “mastery approaches” to teaching maths.

“I’m thrilled to have been selected, it’s an incredible opportunity which, in the long run, will benefit hundreds of children across York,” said Miss Davids, who has been a teacher at Robert Wilkinson for six years and mentors other Ebor Academy Trust schools in maths.

This is one part of the Teaching for Mastery Programme, run by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) in conjunction with the Maths Hubs programme, and funded by the Department for Education.

The group of teachers, all of whom have completed training as Mastery Specialists in a programme run by the NCETM and Maths Hubs, will be visiting Shanghai in September this year, and hosting their partner teachers from Shanghai in English schools in January 2018.

There are 35 Maths Hubs, spread across England, each led by a school with a record of high achievement in maths and of supporting improvements in maths teaching and learning in neighbouring schools.

This is the fourth teacher exchange with schools in Shanghai since the Maths Hubs programme was launched in autumn 2014.

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