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Primary school children get passport to new opportunities

Children at a York primary school are experiencing a whole host of events and new opportunities, thanks to a scheme giving them access to a range of creative, cultural and everyday activities.

The HR100 Passport scheme, launched by Haxby Road Primary Academy, pledges that all children will experience at least 100 interesting, exciting or memorable activities during their time at school. Each child has their own passport, which they will keep throughout their time at Haxby Road and as they progress through the school, they will fill their passports with lasting reminders of each adventure or activity.

Katie Scull, Haxby Road Primary Academy’s Assistant Headteacher, says “We want every child to have access to as many different opportunities as possible, to enrich their experience as they go through school. Some of the activities the children have already taken part in include: going to the pantomime; seeing a puppet show; visiting a local art gallery and displaying their own artwork. Before Christmas, some of our class groups, which are all named after York streets, went to visit the street they are named after and learnt about some of the city’s history. The children also had a chance to visit other nearby places of interest including churches, museums and libraries.

“Our pledge also includes some more ‘ordinary’ activities, which may often be taken for granted. So, for example, we place great value on the fact that our children have the opportunity to read every day and

“By the end of their time at Haxby Road, the children will have over 100 personal memories to look back on and be proud of.”

Planned activities for the children this half-term include: meeting a visiting poet and writing their own poems; taking part in drama and dance workshops; visiting a space centre; and a chance to go to a bookshop to choose some new books for the library.

Haxby Road Primary Academy is part of the Ebor Academy Trust which currently comprises 15 schools, including Robert Wilkinson and Park Grove in York. The two schools at Hob Moor are expected to join early this year, with Lakeside and Osbaldwick scheduled to follow. Ebor also runs schools in Selby, the Yorkshire Coast and in the East Riding and the Humber.

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