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Disciplinary Procedure

Self-service HR
Our disciplinary procedues operate under our value of Respect. This a statutory policy.

Disciplinary Procedures

At Ebor Academy Trust we live our values and work to codes of professional conduct so that our workplace is a safe place to be, and colleagues follow procedures in a respectful and considerate way. 

There are, however, times when conduct does not meet the high standards required in our organisation. In some cases, the matter can be resolved through meaningful discussion and in other cases the informal section of our disciplinary policy is sufficient to agree a way forward and document the outcome.

But there are situations where an investigation is needed and the decision on how to resolve the matter has to be made in a formal setting by a selected panel. In these cases, the outcome is usually formal and will go on record for a significant period of time. 

Gross misconduct is unacceptable conduct which is so significant that it calls into question whether or not the employee can remain in their job. Safeguarding, theft, assault and damage to Ebor’s reputation are some examples of gross misconduct. Fortunately, gross misconduct cases are very rare.

Ebor HR and our Trade Union partners work together to ensure that disciplinary cases are dealt with in a fair and just way.