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Innovative partnership to enhance early years education

An innovative partnership to increase excellence in early years teaching across York and North Yorkshire is to be set up at Osbaldwick Primary School.

The initiative is being led by York based Ebor Academy Trust, which now comprises ten schools across the region. Osbaldwick have applied to join the trust and their application is currently on hold because of the general election.

Nevertheless, Osbaldwick and Ebor are partnering with Early Excellence, an established national leader specialising in developing young children’s education. The York centre will join other centres in London and Huddersfield and will be a regional centre of excellence for early years.

Ebor is predominantly a primary school based trust.

“This is a collaboration which will provide benefits to all concerned and especially young children in York and North Yorkshire,” said Richard Ludlow, chief executive of Ebor Academy Trust.

“There is capacity at Osbaldwick’s The Leyes site and this will be a two-year phased project which will include improvements to teaching spaces, reconfiguring the entrance to accommodate training facilities and adding a car park for participants in Early Excellence’s training courses.

“We share Early Excellence’s vision for high quality training and support for school improvement.”

Lesley Barringer, headteacher at Osbaldwick, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have the space to be able to host such a prestigious partnership. Our own first class staff are on hand to continue to learn from some of the innovative and best practice being demonstrated. Our children will consequently benefit from excellent provision and the arrangement will bring welcome extra funding for our school.”

The partnership will be formally launched at a national event for early years teachers and headteachers in York later this month (June).

Liz Marsden, Early Excellence founder and director, said: “Every day we champion the development of inspirational learning and teaching, offering expert advice, support and training to schools and settings across the UK. We help schools and early years settings to understand and respond to the ever changing landscape of education policy and keep a sharp focus on the leadership of quality provision.

“We too are excited at the prospect of developing an early years centre of excellence in York.”

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