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Chief Executive takes on additional responsibilities

The chief executive of Ebor Academy Trust has taken on additional responsibilities for improving education in schools across a large part of the north of England.

Richard Ludlow, who runs Ebor and its 22 schools in York, Selby, Hull and the East Riding and on the Yorkshire Coast, now has an expanded remit as Sub-Regional Lead for the East Midlands, South Yorkshire and Humber Teaching Schools Alliance.

Mr Ludlow already plays a key role in the EborHope Teaching Schools Alliance, which is based in York and focuses on teacher training, school to school support and continuous professional development. His expanded role will support the Department for Education to ensure a high quality structure of system leaders are in place to deliver school improvement.

He will also evaluate the impact of support, providing evidence and knowledge into regional and national processes.

“I am thrilled to be at the heart of championing a school led improvement system,” said Mr Ludlow. “The new duties include a commitment to school-to-school collaboration, which fits perfectly the Ebor ethos where we work together as a family of schools.

“Working at regional level to share best practice will be immensely satisfying personally and has the added benefit of raising the bar still higher for our children and young people, to improve outcomes and life chances.”

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