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Brotherton and Byram celebrate Ofsted success

School inspectors have awarded a “Good” rating to Brotherton and Byram Community Primary Academy, praising a “wide and engaging curriculum” where pupils “behave well and display positive attitudes to learning.”

Caroline Towler, head of school, said: “This is an excellent pat on the back for everyone in our school as we approach the end of another school year. We have a wonderful school community – parents, staff and pupils – and I’m thrilled for everyone that we have received this result. We place so much emphasis on happy children who enjoy learning and give our children a range of exciting opportunities in school.”

“We’re not complacent, we know there are always areas to improve, but it’s good to see that the hard work our school team put in every day has been recognised and is appreciated.”

Inspectors said school leaders have “ensured that the curriculum provides rich opportunities for pupils to develop subject skills. Work in physical education, music and modern foreign languages is noteworthy. Pupils enjoy taking part in a variety of extra-curricular activities.”

They continued: “The strong emphasis that leaders place on personal development provides a good grounding for pupils. As a result, pupils behave well and display positive attitudes to learning.

“Leaders and staff speak confidently about the support and opportunities that membership of the Ebor Academy Trust brings. Where any aspect of the school is identified as needing improvement, leaders are able to access a range of support from Ebor specialists. This has been particularly beneficial in the school’s work to raise pupils’ achievement in reading.

“There is a wide and engaging curriculum that inspires pupils and provides a good foundation for future learning.”

Brotherton and Byram Community Primary Academy joined Ebor in 2015. Their last Ofsted inspection was also “Good”.

Parents and carers have a positive view of the school. According to the inspectors’ findings, almost all are pleased with the school’s attention to their child’s well-being and say that their child feels safe. Those who use the before-school club value the care their child receives.

The attainment of pupils at the end of key stage 2 in 2017 showed improvement from previous years and was above the national average. A higher proportion reached the expected standard in a combination of reading, writing and mathematics. These results saw Brotherton and Byram Community Primary Academy achieving the highest results for reading, writing and maths in the Selby district, with 81% of pupils meeting the expected standard. This compared with the percentage of 61% achieving it nationally.

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