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Approval for wider reopening of our schools

As the country gradually eases lockdown from the coronavirus covid-19 public health crisis, and in accordance with government requirements to open schools to wider year groups on a phased basis, we have completed a robust and comprehensive risk assessment process of all of our 24 schools.

Trustees of Ebor Academy Trust have to be satisfied that any risks of a wider opening are carefully considered and mitigated as far as possible.

Following approval from trustees all except one of our schools now have permission to open to wider year groups as and when they are able to. The outcome from the risk assessment at Alderman Cogan’s Church of England Primary Academy means certain maintenance work needs to be carried out before approval for opening can be given. This work, caused by many parts of the school being unused during the lockdown, will take place week commencing 8 June and we expect the school to be able to open for more children from 15 June.

The risk assessments for each of our schools will be posted soon on individual school websites, for information and for reassurance that we take the health and safety of our school communities very seriously.

As previously explained, our schools have to allocate places to priority groups first (vulnerable children and children of key workers, and numbers are growing in this group). We have to comply with social distancing guidelines. This may mean that even though there has been a satisfactory risk assessment for individual schools, it still may not be able to accept pupils from wider year groups.

We all know school is the best place for children and young people and we are looking forward to their safe return.

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