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Family Friendly Working

Self-service HR
This section links to the Ebor values of Belonging and Respect and contains information needed to balance working and family life.

Family Friendly Working at Ebor

At Ebor Academy Trust it is recognised that people need to balance family life with work. The flexible working policy provides some opportunity for this and guidance can be found by following the link on this page.  

However, there are some specific areas of family life which are covered by our Family Friendly Policy. These are:

  • Maternity
  • Adoption
  • Paternity
  • Parental Leave
  • Shared Parental Leave 

You should always talk to you line manager in the first instance and review the Family Friendly Policy links on this page. If you still have specific questions you can contact 

Having a family and supporting them in their early years is an exciting time, but it can also bring its own challenges. SAS employee support are there to help if you need confidential support and advice. They can be contacted via the link on this page or by calling 01773 814400.

Some other Ebor policies and guidance may be helpful – see the links for more information.