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Is your school interested in joining us?

Where to next for your school? Interested in joining Ebor?

Speak to us if your values align with ours

“How can my school best collaborate with others in a strong and resilient structure to ensure that each child is a powerful learner and that adults have the opportunities to learn and develop as teachers and leaders?”

If this is the sort of question governors at your local authority maintained school are asking, perhaps the time is right to consider joining a multi-academy trust (MAT) and becoming part of a supportive family of schools.

First, we’d suggest you look through this website, and others, to check out and compare values and vision (ours are here) as well as structure (here) and scheme of delegation (here). If what you read aligns with our guiding principles, contact us and let’s talk.

We have produced a couple of videos, Getting to know what it means to be part of our trust and What does it feel like as a smaller school in our trust? The videos, at five minutes and four minutes respectively, give you a flavour of day-to-day life at Ebor schools and introduces you to some of our headteachers, parents and children.

The government’s first Schools White Paper in six years, published in March 2022, would like to see every school to be in, or joining, a strong multi-academy trust by 2030. We are part of the Confederation of School Trusts who have published some useful and impartial advice for schools considering their options including academisation. View their information here.

Ebor is a primary focussed multi-academy trust with no lead school. This is one of our founding principles and we know this equality is appealing to many primary schools considering academisation. It also explains why, at 25 schools, we have grown so quickly.

We continue to put the best interests of our children at the centre of everything we do – we know this is, quite rightly, in common with other MATs too, but other ways which mark out Ebor as being different from other trusts include:

  • Comprehensive career opportunities for staff – in a large group of schools such as ours, we can retain and reward talented staff by offering opportunities at other schools, raising standards for everyone.
  • Excellent in-house CPD, including offering highest Ofsted rated apprenticeships and a key partnership with our regional training school.
  • Enriched curriculum opportunities for our children, allowing smaller schools access to specialist teaching.
  • Thorough knowledge of SEND through our special primary school.
  • Safeguarding and wellbeing experts – in the pandemic, our work for vulnerable children was highlighted in Parliament as an example of best practice.
  • Trust-wide procurement for key products and services, delivering value for money savings that are reinvested in front line teaching and learning.
  • Last, but certainly not least, is that Ebor schools are very much at the heart of our communities and we actively encourage and celebrate community involvement. Our staff, school and executive leaders are also parents and carers too, and we all grew up and live across the Ebor patch. This gives us a real, ingrained understanding of our area, its issues and its people.

We are always interested in talking to like-minded schools about joining us. As well as the videos, above, we’ve produced a downloadable brochure which tells the stories of why some of our heads decided to join Ebor. It will be a useful talking point for your governors and explodes some of the myths surrounding academies. See the brochure here.

Who we are and what we stand for – in the words of our headteachers and governors:

  • This is a Trust that invests in its people and develops talent, it grows leaders.
  • It has quality specialists who are current practitioners and practice is shared across the Trust. There are opportunities for all, we feel valued.
  • Ebor is about forward thinking, innovative, creative solutions, about collaborative partnerships and shared responsibility.
  • We’re not competitors – we are a support network, a genuine family of schools that want to help each other. 
  • The Trust values the diversity of its schools, and celebrates their uniqueness. Wider links are part of Ebor’s cultural capital.
  • Ebor has high aspirations for its pupils, it has morals and a heart. It is driven by education and not business or profit.

If you would like a no-obligation meeting to find out more, email and we’ll be pleased to talk to you.