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Grievance: Resolving Issues at Work

Self-service HR
Our Grievance procedures operate under the Ebor values of Respect and Belonging. This is a statutory policy.

Grievance: Resolving Issues at Work

Our values of Belonging and Respect set out the way that we work best together at Ebor Academy Trust. However, there may be times when we believe we have not been treated fairly, or when processes and policies which we sign up to have not been followed. 

Disputes often start on a small scale and can ideally be resolved through early, meaningful discussion and some degree of compromise and understanding. In all disputes, we should try to resolve things informally first. It is only when this does not work that the grievance process should be called upon. A grievance will not usually be accepted unless an attempt has first been made to resolve informally. 

When staff raise a grievance, it is against the employer and not against an individual or a group of people. It is for Ebor, as the employer, to facilitate a resolution and where necessary, call on other HR procedures as a result. Staff are sometimes named in a grievance and this can make things awkward while the process is being worked through. It is important for managers to remain objective and support all staff, not just the person who has raised the grievance. 

Ebor HR works closely with Trade Union partners to ensure that grievances are handled in a fair and just manner.